Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Crazy Life

Welcome back guys-

Hope all of you are doing well. Oscar, Talan and Myself have been doing great! I can't believe that Talan will be 3 Months old Tuesday, The 22nd. It seems as if it were the other day I was waiting impatiently for his arrival. He is smiling, drooling and holding his head up really good. When he is on his tummy, he is pushing off and trying to go. Also, when he is lying on his back and I go to help him up, he pushes off with his legs and stands up. He is very strong. Before we know it he will be sitting up and crawling...Yipee. He is drinking 6 oz every four hours just about and still sleeping through the night. Next we are attempting the crib again....he takes naps in there so we will see if he sleeps all night in there.

As of myself- Hmm..I got a treadmill from my mother in law and have started to walk/ far I have had it two days and have only made it 20 mins. Slowly but surely I will get up there.

Enjoy the pics until next time.