Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June ALready?!?!

My Lil Talanator!
Is it really June 1st?!  Wow- where has this year gone?! On another note- Talan will be approaching the BIG 2!  June 22nd is his 2nd Birthday! 21 Days and counting..we are having his birthday party June 18th and it will be just a very small party but I think we will all enjoy it.  Crazy to think I will have a 2 year old...he isn't a baby anymore! Love him so much!

And Since it's SUMMER TIME- Here are a few things I have picked up and absolutely loving!

Old Navys Bermudas- so comfortable and I like shopping at Old Navy lately because I wear size 2. Awesome! Thanks Old Navy for making this girl feel good! =}Also I picked up a pair of shorts that are similar to the bermudas just shorts! Can't find a picture though.                                          

Also, I picked these super comfy tees up at Target for just 5 bucks! Can't beat that!


Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! Now time for a nice bath and So You Think You Can Dance? Anyone else watching it?  I love this show! ENJOY!