Hello all- How are You guys doing? We are great! We can't believe Talan is alomst 3 months old..Time has flown by-2 more weeks and thats what he will be. He is a strong little guy and becoming a BIG BIG boy. The other day he had a runny nose, so Mommy rushed him to the dr and it was nothing but he got weighed and he is 13.5lbs! He is growing. He is eating between 5-6 ounces every 4 hours..he is going to be like his Daddy! Milestone- He is holding his head up very well on tummy time and pushing off with his legs..and of course laughing and smiling sooo much more.
Over the Labor Day weekend, Mommy, Daddy and Talanator went and watched Maverick, Talans cousin play football and while we were there we got some pictures taken by a friend and see below how precious they came out! Oh and Can't forget to say Way to Go Mav for winning his football game and making a TOUCHDOWN! =) Happy Labor Day ALL!
wow! he sure is growing up!!
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